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Navicat Monitor adalah alat pemantauan server jarak jauh yang aman, sederhana, dan tanpa agen yang dikemas dengan fitur-fitur canggih untuk membuat pemantauan Anda seefektif mungkin. Server yang dipantau termasuk MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL dan SQL Server, dan kompatibel dengan database cloud seperti Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud dan Microsoft Azure.

Navicat Monitor adalah perangkat lunak berbasis server yang dapat diakses dari mana saja melalui browser web. Dengan akses web, Anda dapat dengan mudah dan mulus melacak server Anda di seluruh dunia, sepanjang waktu.

Pemantauan Performa Real-time

Navicat Monitor mencakup serangkaian grafik real-time dan historis yang kaya yang memungkinkan Anda menelusuri detail statistik server. Ini memberi Anda tampilan terperinci dari setiap beban dan kinerja server mengenai ketersediaannya, penggunaan disk, I / O jaringan, kunci tabel dan banyak lagi, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah melacak penyimpangan dan lalu lintas di antara server, serta memeriksa solusi yang mungkin dan menyesuaikan pengaturan server Anda.

Chart Status dan Performa
Metrik Kustom
Jadwal Laporan
Penganalisa Query
Query yang Berjalan Lama
SQL Profiler
Manajemen Instance

Dasbor - dapatkan ringkasan di satu tempat

Dasbor interaktif kami mencantumkan semua instance yang dipantau dan memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah melihat bagaimana instance Anda saat ini berfungsi. Ini juga memberi Anda gambaran umum tentang kinerja, ketersediaan, dan kesehatan setiap instance.

Comfortable View
Compact View

Chart Status dan Performa

Mengumpulkan metrik beberapa instance pada diagram yang sama untuk membandingkan dan menganalisis data dengan kecepatan luar biasa. Anda juga dapat menyimpan chart Anda sebagai dokumen PDF berkualitas tinggi dengan satu klik.


Menerapkan chart skematik untuk mewakili hubungan replikasi secara visual. Anda dapat memantau kesehatan keseluruhan topologi replikasi secara keseluruhan, setiap node individu, dan setiap subsistem replikasi untuk memastikan data pada server yang direplikasi selalu diperbarui.

Metrik Kustom

Menuliskan query Anda sendiri untuk membuat chart kustom untuk mengambil data metrik arbitrer. Anda dapat dengan mudah menentukan metrik kustom Anda dan mengatur peringatan untuk menganalisis dan memantau server Anda.

Jadwal Laporan

Menyiapkan laporan untuk berjalan pada interval tertentu, dan menjadwalkan untuk dikirim melalui email ke beberapa penerima dalam format PDF. Laporan Anda yang dikirim melalui email akan secara dinamis menyertakan data respons baru dan pembaruan apa pun yang telah diubah server Anda.

Penganalisa Query

Memantau query Anda secara real time untuk meningkatkan performa dan efisiensi server Anda dengan cepat. Penganalisa Query yang kuat ini memperlihatkan informasi ringkasan dari semua query yang dijalankan dan memungkinkan Anda dengan mudah mengungkap query yang bermasalah, seperti mengidentifikasi query teratas dengan jumlah waktu eksekusi kumulatif, query lambat dengan waktu respons yang tidak dapat diterima, dan mendeteksi kebuntuan ketika dua atau beberapa query saling memblokir secara permanen. Navicat Monitor merangkum query dengan cerdas sehingga Anda dapat melihat berapa banyak dan tipe query mana yang menyebabkan masalah.

Query yang Berjalan Lama

Melacak riwayat performa query dari waktu ke waktu, dan menampilkan semua query dengan waktu tunggu terlama. Menganalisis dan memahami evolusi setiap query individu. Anda dapat memecahkan masalah query lebih lanjut dan mencari tahu apa yang menyebabkan konsumsi sumber daya yang tinggi.

SQL Profiler

Menyediakan detail eksekusi query grafis untuk menemukan query yang tidak efisien dan lambat. Anda dapat membuat jejak untuk mengumpulkan data tentang query yang dijalankan pada instance. Data nantinya dapat dianalisis dan digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah performa.

Manajemen Instance

Mengatur server Anda ke dalam grup untuk memudahkan pengguna menemukannya berdasarkan kategori. Menetapkan pengguna ke grup tertentu sebagai anggota dan menerapkan setelan konfigurasi pemberitahuan yang sama kepada mereka dengan mudah. Semua anggota akan mendapatkan pemberitahuan saat peringatan dinaikkan.


Navicat Monitor menyediakan analisis akar penyebab lanjutan yang memungkinkan Anda menelusuri dan menemukan informasi lebih mendalam ketika masalah ditemukan - metrik server, statistik performa, penggunaan perangkat keras, dan data historis. Anda juga dapat memantau lansiran Anda di Detail Peringatan, yang memberikan ikhtisar tentang lansiran yang dipilih yang terdiri dari ringkasan, linimasa, diagram metrik, dan lainnya. Dengan fitur Peringatan bawaan, Anda bisa mendapatkan pemberitahuan sebelum masalah yang lebih besar muncul untuk memastikan database Anda selalu tersedia dan berkinerja optimal.

Arsitektur Tanpa Agen

Navicat Monitor menerapkan arsitektur tanpa agen untuk memantau MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, dan SQL Server Anda, serta mengumpulkan metrik secara berkala. Ini mengumpulkan metrik proses seperti beban CPU, penggunaan RAM, dan berbagai sumber daya lainnya melalui SSH / SNMP. Navicat Monitor dapat diinstal pada komputer lokal atau mesin virtual dan tidak memerlukan instalasi perangkat lunak pada server yang sedang dipantau.

Navicat Monitor memerlukan repositori untuk menyimpan peringatan dan metrik untuk analisis historis. Database repositori dapat berupa instance MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, atau Amazon RDS yang ada.


Kustomisasi Peringatan

Menetapkan ambang pemberitahuan kustom untuk memantau infrastruktur Anda. Menerima pemberitahuan saat aturan ambang batas yang Anda tentukan tercapai. Misalnya: ketika pemanfaatan CPU melebihi 90% selama lebih dari 30 menit.


Dapatkan notifikasi melalui email, SMS, SNMP atau Slack setiap kali peringatan atau kondisi kritis terjadi di infrastruktur Anda. Setelah diberi tahu, Anda dapat dengan cepat mendiagnosis dan menyelesaikan masalah database Anda.

Autentikasi LDAP / AD

Menghemat waktu untuk menyiapkan metode keamanan baru dan berbeda dengan mengonfigurasi Navicat Monitor untuk mengautentikasi dengan server LDAP atau Active Directory.

Manajer Role

Menyiapkan hak dan batasan akses pengguna dengan menetapkan role kepada pengguna. Role dapat dipetakan ke pengguna mana pun seperti pengguna LDAP/AD eksternal atau pengguna lokal yang dibuat di Navicat Monitor. Menyesuaikan role yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya agar paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda atau buat role baru dengan pengaturan hak istimewa yang disesuaikan untuk membatasi akses ke halaman yang dipilih di Navicat Monitor.


Mengekspor pengaturan Monitor Anda jika Anda ingin memigrasikan server aplikasi Anda dari satu komputer ke komputer baru lainnya. Output dari skrip cadangan akan menjadi file zip dengan semua file konfigurasi dan pengaturan yang diperlukan untuk pemulihan.

Mode Gelap

Mengatur tema gelap untuk melindungi mata Anda dari brightness layar komputer yang menyilaukan. Tidak ada perubahan behavior dengan tampilan halaman saat Anda berada dalam mode gelap.

Jenis Instans

MySQL 5.1.73 atau yang lebih baru

PostgreSQL 10 atau yang lebih baru

MSSQL 2008 R2 SP1 atau yang lebih baru

MariaDB 10.0 atau yang lebih baru

Penyedia Cloud

Amazon AWS

Oracle Cloud

Alibaba Cloud

Google Cloud

Microsoft Azure

Tencent Cloud

Percona Server

Huawei Cloud

Persyaratan Sistem


Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, Server 2008, Server 2012, Server 2016, Server 2019, Server 2022


Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, macOS 10.12 Sierra, macOS 10.13 High Sierra, macOS 10.14 Mojave, macOS 10.15 Catalina, macOS 11 Big Sur, macOS 12 Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura, macOS 14 Sonoma


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 atau lebih baru, CentOS 6.6 atau lebih baru, Oracle Linux 6.6 atau lebih baru, Fedora 20 atau lebih baru, Debian 8.0 atau lebih baru, SuSE Linux Enterprise 12 atau lebih baru, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS atau lebih baru, openSUSE 42.x atau lebih baru, Amazon Linux 2


Docker 17 atau yang lebih baru

Free BSD

FreeBSD 10.4 atau yang lebih baru

Browser yang Didukung

(Versi Terbaru)

(Versi Terbaru)

Microsoft Edge 39 or later

Safari 9.1.3 or later

Pelanggan Kami

  • “Navicat kuat dalam fungsinya dan memiliki penanganan query yang baik. Terutama query builder membantu saya menghemat waktu.

    Navicat memiliki pengguna antarmuka yang baik dan memiliki kegunaan multitasking yang sempurna.

    Ini sangat membantu departemen kami dalam menghasilkan laporan baru.”

    Karl Hogerl

    Internet & Database Service Engineer
    TOSHIBA Europe GmbH

    “Navicat is fabulous, fast, easy to use. It makes working with databases fun.

    It's much better than TOAD.

    My favourite features of Navicat are Backup, import/export, basic database functionality, including browsing tables, connections management, toolbar, subdivision of functions, user management, queries, performance.”

    Jan Theodore Galkowski

    MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

    “I have tried many other fine programs, but Navicat is by far the best. Ease of use and the list of features make it my choice for MylL administration.”

    “Customer support for Navicat is very good. My email questions were quickly and accurately answered.”

    Jeff Tucker

    Director of Engineering
    Emmis Communications (NASDAQ: EMMS)

  • “Navicat save our time to manage our databases. The backup features and how simple it is to use cannot be compared. I recommend PremiumSoft Navicat to everyone I know. Keep up the great work guys!!!”

    Orlando Piedrahita

    System Engineer
    World Fuel Services Corporation (NYSE:INT)

    “I really like the new GUI in Navicat.

    The Speed of Navicat is very fast and its Interface is very nice. Stability has also been strengthened.”

    Karsten Torp Rasmussen

    Senior Consultant
    KPMG Advisory

    “It is an excellent tool that allows me to design all aspects of a MySQL DB's.

    The real values of Navicat are:
    - editing of tables in an Excel type fashion
    - import/export from/to many function
    - migration of DB's from one server to another”

    Proenen, Hanns

    General Electric (Capital Solutions GmbH & Co.KG)

  • “The main problem Navicat is solving for me is creating the queries in a fast.

    The query builder helps tremendously with that - and I haven’t seen any other tool that helps me create my queries for MySql. Navicat is pretty much self-explanatory.”

    Ed Garcia

    Yahoo! (NASDAQ: YHOO)

    “Very professional product. Easy to use. Nice GUI.

    We use Navicat to produce custom reports based on complex queries.”

    Jeff Gellner

    CISSP JPMorgan Chase & Co.

    “These are the features that we like :

    - It allows us to transfer file between two servers
    - It allows us to synchronize between two databases in a single and bidirectional directions
    - It allows us to build queries faster with query builder
    - It allows us import and export databases into different file formats
    It has a good online visual demo. The help file is also well organized and easy to follow.”

    Mark Horn

    Intel Corporation (Nasdaq:INTC)

  • “I worked since 2005 with this database tool. As interface to our MySQL severs I developed with Navicat many queries. The tables are partial very big (more than 50 Million records).

    With my favourite tool Navicat I create the queries fast and effective and with nightly schedules I get the query results on early morning. Also, your support worked quick and professional and now everything is alright.”

    Volker Plank

    Porsche Leipzig GmbH

    “Navicat is the only program I have seen that works this well on the Mac. Able to export and import easily. Very easy to use. Lightening fast. Scheduling, back-ups, Queries are all very easy to use. This does a lot more than what I expected.

    Didn't really need the documentation. Navicat was so well designed and user-friendly that I just started using it.”

    Scott Lozier

    Administrative Coordinator
    Office for the Arts at Harvard
    Harvard University

    “Navicat integrates managing MySQL database in a very user friendly interface. Updating without a UI from search table results. The database conversion from older formats to MySQL is seamless.

    It’s one tool solution for Designing, Managing and Automating MySQL. Transferring data from one server to other is very convenient. Backup and restoration DB in 1 easy step”



  • “The clear and powerful GUI was leagues ahead of other solutions. Of particular importance to this choosing this solution was the strong CSV upload and export tools. It also proved really useful to be able to store queries and share them between users. The query builder was a big plus too.

    We’re really happy with Navicat and only wish that we’d chosen the product sooner.”

    Matt Fenby Taylor

    SonyBMG Music Entertainment Ltd.

    “Navicat provided a quick and easy means of importing many different spreadsheets into database tables and an easy way to update those tables. Even after weeks of having a standard process of managing the database we utilize Navicat's import mechanism to handle unique data updates coming from our customer. Without this ability we would be weeks behind schedule.”

    James Hoover


    “Navicat allows the building of complex queries, and also management and backup of the database, from a remote windows environment. Navicat is relative ease of use, and flexibility.”

    Dr Richie Gill

    Oxford University

  • “Navicat makes the transfer between software engines extremely simple, better than the other options I explored. Also, the interface for dealing with the database is straightforward, easy to use, and powerful. It is convenient to use to begin to implement SQL code, for example”

    Dr Tim Walsh

    Research Foundation For Mental
    HygieneColumbia University

    “Navicat does an excellent job and as an added bonus, we can use the export function to convert data into other formats for specialized use. The XML conversion was particularly impressive.”

    Donald J. Varney

    Systems Developer III
    State of Vermont - Department of Banking,
    Insurance, Securities & Health Care Administration

    “Using Navicat, it is essentially a breeze to manage MySQL. It is going to save us tons of time and time is money!

    Navicat is easy to use because the menus and tools bars are very clearly label and designed. We have never had a problem with the software crashing or corrupting data.

    A GUI interface that provides complete functionality for configuring and using MySQL. What might take hours with the command line, Navicat can accomplish in seconds.”

    Dave Garcia

    Washington State University Student Publications

  • “Navicat is very important for us to manage our MySQL databases. It is quite easy to use and has very powerful features as, for instance, the query builder. The features we use most are the backup and queries, also in relation with the scheduler. A nice-to-have feature would be a mailer function where, for instance, a result of a query could be sent to a specific user.”

    Gilbert Schroeder

    Goodyear Luxembourg Tires SA.

    “I use Navicat to help with entry. There are approximately 2300 rows, and approx 123 columns for each row of data, it is used daily, I am currently trying to convince the office the benefits of using the MySQL/Navicat combination over other implementations.”

    “I enjoy your product very much, I purchased it, and Navicat increase productivity 1000 fold.”

    Jonathan Mark Petrush

    United States Marine Corps

    “I have used Navicat almost daily, and have recommended it to many others in my field. It is by far the best product of its kind on the market. And the price is much lower than I would have expected for such a robust feature rich product.”

    Jeff Austin

    Division of Biological Sciences, Office of the Dean
    University of California, Davis

  • “Most of our data is in Microsoft Access or MS SQL Server. With Navicat importing and exporting data from and to those formats is very easy and requires virtually no additional training. Moving to new technology is often intimidating to people but once I demonstrated Navicat to our staff they were pleasantly surprised. Navicat truly makes it easier to administer mySQL than any other product I have tried.”

    Matthew Ryan

    NCDA&CS Website Manager
    North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

    “Navicat is an excellent product and I have yet to look at the documentation!

    Navicat 's strengths are (obviously) its ease of setup and use. I've dealt with software since my junior year in high school (1981) and know a good product when I see one.”

    Jesse A. Canchola

    Principal Statistician Director, Data Analytic & Survey Services
    University of California at San Francisco

    “These are the strengths of Navicat --
    - Easy to manage multiple connections
    - Access to MySQL databases across the WAN is very quick and efficient compared to other products
    - Designing and updating table structures is much easier than comparable products
    - Provides an "easy to use" import and export wizard
    - User administration interface is excellent
    - Reporting tool looks promising”

    Larry Tomsic

    Director - Information Technology
    Alsco, Inc.

  • “Navicat did everything I needed it to do in a simplier way than by using text type tools. I purchased two copies so that we can use it with other Mysql databases that we want to deploy. The purchase was simple, and the product is now up and running. Since we need to develop additional databases, I am sure it will help us make that management much easier.”

    Doug Stoner

    Manager of Computer Services
    Conestoga Valley School District

    “Your product saved us a lot of time and solved my problem of importing and exporting the data to the tables and even creating Tables, Databases, and Queries. Now I do not have to worry about how to backup the Databases -its just one click now.”

    “It is so easy and simple for the Unix Administrator to connect to the local or remote Database and manage the users with full security. And I would like to thank your technical support staffs. They answered all my question in a short period of time.”

    Firas Najjar

    Web Application Developer at College of Engineering
    Florida State University

    “Navicat really helped easily get my excel data into mysql, and Navicat makes it easy to maintain using a GUI, rather than the line commands, or tedium of phpMyAdmin for multiple edits.

    I am sure Navicat will have more to offer, as my database matures. I can't comment on the documentation, because I've been able to figure out the few things I need to do just from the menus and icons on screen.”

    Charley Weiland

    Stanford University


Upgrade Now!

* Promotion ends on 26 Sep, 2024 (23:59 ET).