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Privacy Statement

The following statement discloses the consumer privacy practices of PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd. ("PremiumSoft") for the PremiumSoft Web Site (this "Site"). By using this Site, you are deemed to consent to our privacy practices. If you do not consent to these privacy practices, do not use this Site or download any materials from it.

We do revise and update our privacy practices from time to time and we reserve the right to do so without any notice to you so you should visit this page, at least once every thirty days, to review our then-current privacy practices because they are binding on you. All updates will be published at this site. Your continued use of this Site shall be considered your consent to any revised privacy practices.

User Registration Information

We think our customers understand better than anyone else how PremiumSoft can most effectively serve their needs. Because of this, PremiumSoft makes every effort to allow our customers to define the relationship they will have with us. We ask our customers how they would like PremiumSoft to communicate with them, if at all. We disclose how we will be using our customers' information through documents like this one, or by answering individual questions customers may ask. Also, we never sell our customers' information or provide it to others without making it clear that we intend to do so at the time the information is collected.

PremiumSoft Network Information

Our website's registration system requires you to give us some contact information (like a user name or email address) and unique identifiers (like a password). Unique identifiers are collected to verify your identity and are used as account numbers in our record system.

Online Ordering Information

Our site uses an order form for customers to purchase products and services. We collect contact information (like your email address), unique identifiers (like your password), and financial information (like your account or credit card numbers). Contact information from the order form is used to send orders.

Link to Third Party Web Sites

At this Site, there may be links to companies with whom we have a relationship. PremiumSoft is not responsible for the privacy practices of our business partners. We encourage you to read their privacy statements, as they may differ from ours.

Please remember that any information you submit in a chat group or forum will be deemed public information and is not confidential. There is a risk in such communication venues that information can be collected and used by others. Please be careful and responsible when you are online.

If you have any questions about any of these practices, please feel free to contact us.

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* Promotion ends on 26 Sep, 2024 (23:59 ET).